About Susan Eder’s Art Practice


Born in Lansing, Michigan, Craig Dennis received his BFA degree from the University of Michigan and his MFA degree from Ohio State University. He taught fine arts at Ohio State, Colgate University and Williams College. His artworks have been shown widely across the U.S. and abroad; they include drawing, photography, painting, prints, sculpture, animation and large-scale installations. Craig has been the recipient of numerous awards, grants and fellowships, and his work is included in many museum, corporate and private collections.


Repetition is a vital part of virtually everything. It's how we remember and how we forget. Even cellular DNA stamps out the same proteins — over and over — to make us what we are. Since 1975, Craig has used simple, repetitive drawing methods to allude to biological, physical, political and psychological processes, creating extended metaphors between those concepts and his generative drawing activities. These highly meditative works become graphic maps of neural errors created while trying to repeat mechanical precision, where slight variations grow into unexpected exaggerations.


This site provides an overview of the graphic works. Curators, writers or collectors wishing additional information may contact Craig directly.

Craig’s résumé (PDF)
